Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session

Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session

One Hour Session


** What does a medical intuitive session with Susann look like
and what will it bring you? **



This is your chance to go to the core with any particular pattern or issue that is chronic or repetitive and transform it at a soul level.

Susann intuitively reads the root cause and helps you release the pattern – physically, emotionally, and energetically and replace it with the true pattern of your soul coming alive again within you.

We will go into the Akashic Records of your soul to get to the true root cause of your core traumas, or the chronic physical limitations that hold you back or hold you hostage or patterns that cause you to feel a lack of ability to live your soul purpose.

It’s your time to…

  • Heal your body to liberate your spirit
  • Receive what you need to get to the root cause – at a soul, energetic and emotional level – to resolve all of your health challenges
  • Discover how to access your own intuitive wisdom to know how to release and shift what is stuck in your body
  • Bring in the soul resources you need to replace those patterns with energy, health and wellbeing to ignite your purpose and path with great inspiration and momentum
  • Using intuition as your superpower, discern for yourself how to work with your physical needs for well-being on all levels

Receive channeled messages from your guidance team
and the Universal Creation Field of all universal masters and teachers
for this earth plane to access and liberate your soul gifts,
strengths and purposes, your soul codes and destiny,
and your creative path moving forward.


This is your chance to go deeper with any particular pattern or issue that is chronic or repetitive and transform it at a soul level.

We will go into the Akashic Records of your soul to get to the true root cause of your core traumas and chronic physical limitations hold you back or hold you hostage, feeling a lack of ability to live your soul purpose. It’s time to release these core patterns where they originated once and for all!

Soul level wounds have been with you even before you did earth incarnations and can now be released once and for all.

 These deeply held soul challenges:

  • Hold you in lock down from living from your soul gifts and strengths.
  • Make up the very core limitation of what keeps you from feeling your intuitive wisdom, your ability to stay connected, and to actually feel aligned with your soul purpose embodied,
  • Are the invisible barriers that keep you feeling unable to find your place within the world.
  • Make you feel that you are too sensitive and empathic to feel safe in the world.

The wound of the soul keeps you from being able to access the field of abundance, where your soul rightly lives. This translates directly to health and all that allows you to feel a sense of abundant wellbeing in your life.

You will be able to feel safe to open your heart and life to the many possibilities you sense you want to walk into.

We can even help you with the crippling pattern of feeling too empathic and overly sensitive, which keeps you from feeling that you can contribute your wondrous gifts in the world.

Whatever you are suffering with – your soul has the answer and I, along with your guides and spirit team, can unravel it!

Behind these patterns is a wealth of the “gold of you” just waiting to come forth.

You don’t need to be stopped anymore from your soul purposes because of physical limitations.

A 60-minute Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session with Susann will:

  1. RESOLVE your physical challenges at the core soul level
  2. Create a STRONG CONNECTION between your spirit and your physical body
  3. Allow you to UNDERSTAND THE ROOT of your body dis-ease and limitations.
  4. UNCOVER the EMOTIONAL TRAUMA and patterns behind your physical health issues
  5. Assist you to FREE YOUR SPIRIT where it has been in lockdown in your body
  6. Bring in your soul resources and blueprint to ignite deep health and wellbeing

* Sessions last one hour and an mp3 recording will be sent to you. Each session is unique to your soul needs.


Susann has helped me profoundly heal myself too many times to count. Her ability to “see” what’s affecting my physical and emotional health is unlike anyone I’ve ever worked with. I’ve worked specifically with Susann for over 25 years and she is always the person I call when I need help.

She has guided me thru pivotal business decisions, relationship snafus, and most recently thru a near fatal health challenge.

She isn’t healing me, I’m healing me, but her inner knowing, her strength, guidance and support has and continues to uplift me when the world is too much. She knows how to direct me back to myself without judgement, just with high level skill.

I have done A-LOT of work in the healing world for over 4 decades and the truth is there is no one comparable.

Her ability to “see” the deepest part of me and direct me there continues to astound me.

Knowing I have such a kind, thoughtful, exceptional healing person in my life who offers the unmatched support keeps me going and thriving.” – JFD

Last July, my body was completely overwhelmed by a mysterious illness. My personal history was free of illness, so it was all a huge shock. I contacted Susann and we had a session. and the next day, I woke to find myself energetic, clear-minded, and much more hopeful. I was myself again, even strong enough to be a bit grumpy, after having lost all my strength and my hope.” ~ Lisa V
I had been very ill and frustrated …Susann actively and compassionately listened and then actually made sense of my journey here — from my soul’s perspective. I am gaining my health back and my confusion and frustration is pretty much gone. I’d say that the reading you gave me was the beginning of my physical turnaround.” ~ Holly G
Susann gave me such clarity and illuminated the path of my physical AND emotional healing journey that it catapulted my healing to new levels. Issues I have been suffering from more than a decade are mending and I am so thankful.” ~ Annabelle
After our session I realized my vertigo was gone that I have had for a very long time and it has not come back!” ~ ALANA
During my childhood, each time I had sharp heart pains, my terrified parents rushed me to the hospital repeatedly, only to be told nothing was physically wrong with me. Susann was the only one who could help me with this. We uncovered the soul-level reason for the chest pains, and I haven’t experienced them since.” ~ K.W.
During one of our sessions I was feeling intense back pain, which was fairly recent. That night I had a dream that I was getting married and felt great joy. It related very directly to what I was bringing in to help my back and the pain is 90% gone. How wonderful.” ~ Lydia
Thank you for working with me Susann. By the end of the journey, I sensed a great expansion of light in my abdominal area where I had held a lot of anger. Thank you!” ~ Hope in Ripon
I have had an unexplained feeling of heartache for years. No doctors could find anything wrong with my heart. I was almost at my breaking point. I found Susann and in one session it was gone, as though it never existed. This is months later and there is no sign of it returning. Need I say more. I am eternally grateful” ~ Elvira Colburn

* I request a 24-hour cancellation policy for our session together. If you need to cancel due to illness or unforseen circumstances that arise, I do understand. This is my way of asking for respect for my professional scheduling and opens the door for mutual respect and my respect for your needs and fulfillment.

AFTER YOU REGISTER FOR A SESSION please contact Susann to set up your session time. Please mention time frames that work for you and your time zone.


Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session
A one-hour Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session helps you go to the core with any particular pattern or issue that is chronic or repetitive and transform it at a soul level.
Price: $275.00