Situational Clearing Special

February 1st–28th, 2025

This February 2025
I am honored to offer discounted
Situational Clearings.


We all get into a sticky situation sometimes…

Let me help you get out of it!

With love from my soul to yours.


What’s a situational clearing, you ask?

A situational clearing ‘clears’ your sticky situations—life circumstances that seem to stick like glue.

We all have sticky situations in our lives.

  • In health
  • In financial well-being
  • In relationships
  • With family
  • In work

Challenges arise in areas of our lives as part of this necessary transformational shift into being ALL OF YOU, guided by the Light of divine connection.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a way to release the pressure, burden and pain of the situation?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel lifted out of it, and walk through it with grace, bringing light as healing and spirit-filled transmutation quickly to that situation that is causing you anguish or angst?


A situational clearing will do just that!


A situational clearing allows you to follow what you want to create and what you value.


It is the fastest way to turn your wayward ship around.


It is the best way to find your way to the higher ground of your current circumstance with ease.

Imagine waking up feeling lighter, more hopeful and deeply aligned with yourself and what you are handling.


We can’t change the outer situation
but we will absolutely change
how you view it and walk through it.


This situational clearing is a shift to a whole new perspective and way of being and renewal of your energy, intention and heart.


Soul Mastery Situational Clearing

February 2025 Special

30-Minute Special Session

to release your challenging, sticky situations 


$100 (regularly $175) $75 savings


This Situational Clearing Special Offer is available from now until the end of February 2025.

Situational Clearing are 30-minute session with Susann via phone or Zoom to bring the light of day to whatever you are struggling with.

Past Situational Clearings have included travel, weather, medical procedures or appointments, moving, teaching or presentations, health concerns, sticky job situations, people situations, any changes occurring, in yourself, family or those in need.

A Situational Clearing will give you a whole new perspective and clarity of direction.

You will know that the power of Love is now pouring into whatever it is you are feeling stuck in, to transform it out of its heavy energy holding you back.

You will feel uplifted and know how to freely move forward with your life, unencumbered by this burden or old way of being that you no longer wish to hold.

This could be personal or global.

You’re not alone.

You’re not on your own with it.

All Spirit and your spirit team are here to help you release the stress valve, undo the burden, and eliminate the toxicity from the various aspects of your life.

  • Find the way back to your calm, connected self.
  • Come alive in all new ways.
  • Reclaim true wisdom and perspective for yourself.

 Let’s create the world you wish to see.

 Let’s get you into thriving.

Those of us who know how to do situational clearings love bringing them because they work – no matter what. Just as the universe always does.

Ask and you will receive, as a situational clearing pours in Love and Light in quantum measure into any situation.


So, for my open-heart operation, my son moving, a celebration in my yard of marriage last summer, the birthing of children – or a child in hospital, a job interview. The Situational Clearing’s purity of prayer and the knowing it is answered in the absolute best way. 

The most recent one I did was for my family and our two months of having another dog. So, the situation was adjustment and ease for both dogs and our families. For me – once I see the situation, I do the prayers, and I have faith that all works out to the best! In this way I have guides working on it and no human worry has to add to it negatively or thoughts – it is done.”  Colleen


Situational Clearing Special: 30-Minute Session
Situational Clearing Special: 30-Minute Session
A 30-minute clearing to clear sticky obstacles, realign and expand you into new dimensions of your soul’s brilliant nature as the way to fully embrace a clear shift in yourself and your world.
Price: $175.00
Price: $100.00

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