Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times

October 12th, 2024

A Workshop and Meditation

We are bombarded with new outer world factors and inner world transitions continuously, along with no shortage of instability in our nervous system these days.

Living from your sacred heart of gold holds the key to your shift from fear and lack to confidence and abundance.

Your heart is at the core of either the feeling of disturbance or the way of peace.

Navigate this juncture with
grace, compassion and strength of heart


It requires a brave heart to navigate all we don’t know. Together, we will answer the question,” How can I Love through this?”

Every day we hear about a new tragedy, some new situation that has a large impact on our lives, and on our financial well being.

The train of transformation is speeding up.

How do we keep from having our heart race faster and faster alongside this train of transition?

This workshop and meditation are my way, along with my guidance collective and humanity’s divine team, to help you create a deep, sacred and vital connection to divine Love that will allow you to hold your guided heart in the forefront of your awareness.

We will transform the overly empathic heart, the overly compassionate heart, the people pleasing heart, the over giving heart, and fill it with what it needs to be the heart of gold that you know your soul is here to bring.

You will experience the heart that is sure in its path and clear in its way forward while being kind and generous of Spirit.

Your spiritual heart as your heart of gold is your gift to the world.

This is your means for you to hold your heart safe and strong, brave and wise.


Your heart is pure gold.


This is a special invitation for you to deeply experience how to:

  • Discover the key ingredients you and your heart need to navigate this season of increased disruption and continual impact from so much high-speed change.

  • Take sacred time to recalibrate your nervous system and reclaim your heart of gold.

  • Experience the peace that you and this world hungers for in a way that you can hold securely from this moment forward.

  • Tune into a higher, wiser power to access a strong guided heart.

Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times

A Workshop and Meditation

October 12, 2024

10 am PST / 1 pm EST / 6 pm GMT

Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times
 is designed to:

  • Clear the blocks keeping you in fear and isolation.

  • Learn how to bring a consistent deeper heart pulsation that provides a sanctuary of ease to always come back to when the overwhelm and uncertainty arise.

  • Reunite with a free and peaceful heart and know with assurance what this feels like.

  • Handle feeling overwhelmed in a whole new way.

  • Always feel safe to be in your life and the world just as it is.

  • Awaken new found stability in making clear decisions for your life, even with so much being stirred.


Right now, there seems to be so much coming at us that is beyond our control.

Our vitality of heart and life blood is being compromised and we can feel like we are spinning and disengaged in our body.

Whether it is a health issue, a feeling of money shortage, or a relationship tangle that feels unresolvable right now.

When the heart is steady and at peace, we can give our body and emotional realm what it needs to navigate these trying situations that are very real.

Health in your body stems from a healthy spiritual heart.

An abundant heart = an abundant life.

At a time when we know that Love is what we as a world need, how do we bring ourselves back to knowing what that Love truly feels like for us so we can hold it as a steady energy within to radiate to humanity?


This is the time to discover and reclaim the heart of gold
you know you have and want to live from.

Join other souls in this beautiful world that want to provide a steady heart through the increasing turmoil.


Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times

A Workshop and Meditation

October 12, 2024

10 am PST / 1 pm EST / 6 pm GMT

This 2-hour Workshop and Meditation Includes:

  All new content from Susann and our guidance collective to assist you to navigate the new energies and this tumultuous time we are in.

  A live two hour call with Susann on October 12.

  Replay recording of session.


Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times

Two-hour LIVE Workshop and Meditation

Registration Price $33.00

Our guidance collective has so much to share with us in this powerful cycle of rebirth!!!

“I do feel more relaxed, open, & confident to keep leaning in to the unknown, & limitless possibilities. The greatest gift to me in the class was the attention given to our inherent value…choosing to know that I am valuable. I think our success in all areas of life is reflected in this knowing. It gives us that extra strength, courage, & power to create anything we desire.” ~ Aliandra
“I so learned to just relax, soften, allow for newness and know that it is safe to completely let go of everything! What falls away will be exactly what needs to at this time. With complete trust, awareness and knowing it’s an inside job (no judgement) the newness can rush in to fill the vacuum/ void. Excellent!” ~ Sara


Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times
Steady Your Heart in These Uncertain Times
A LIVE 2-hour workshop and meditation to open the gates wide for you to truly be your full bodied, heart centered self, even in these days of upheaval and shift.
Price: $33.00


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