Akashic Record Soul Mastery Reading & Clearing

In a one-hour session, on the phone or on Zoom, Susann Taylor Shier reads the Akashic Records for your Soul Portrait and Soul Clearing.

A one-hour Akashic Record Soul Reading & Clearing session has helped people in remarkable ways. We work at the level of the soul, so persistent patterns that feel deeper or bigger than a mere childhood issue are my forte’. Children stop having nightmares, adults have relief from insomnia, couples clarify relationship purpose and direction, soul career paths are opened, repetitive heartbreak patterns are resolved, to name just a few.


What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic library. They are the records of the knowledge of all souls for all time. In the spiritual world, they hold the record of all events, actions, and feelings that have occurred and will occur. All the information about each of our souls is stored on the Akashic Memory System. This includes its history, training, gifts, strengths, challenges, and even possible future outcomes.

What is a Soul Portrait?

This portrait describes your soul essences, purposes, gifts, and challenges. We will look in detail at your soul’s beginnings, heritage, families, and home worlds, as well as how all of this pertains to your present incarnation with its challenges and the contracts and agreements you have with those you value.

How does a Soul Clearing work?

The Akashic records record the patterns your soul is carrying that may currently inhibit you. These inhibiting patterns have come with your Soul into this incarnation, acquired in other lifetimes or other dimensions that your soul has existed in. These disruptive energies I call soul barnacles, as they are on the outer edge of the soul and can be easily released and removed for all time, through working with the Akashic Records and the beings that heal through the Soul Records. With your permission, these imprints are cleared and resources of light and divine connection brought into the space around your soul where the damage has been done that has caused your life to be halted in various ways. The soul level clearing also immediately translates into the physical, mental and emotional levels of your present experience. This work clears the patterns that are in your Soul memory bank that limit you in your soul purpose and soul fulfillment and opens your soul destiny plans.

A Soul Portrait and Clearing will:

  • Bring forward your soul gifts, strengths, and purposes

  • Clear the patterns on your soul that keep you from your life fulfillment

  • Discover your soul heritage, home worlds, and the nature of your soul family

  • Look up soul contracts you have with those you value

PRIOR TO THE SESSION, I’ll look up your Akashic Records to receive the information describing your Soul Portrait: soul strengths, gifts, purposes and resources. After the session, your Soul Clearing will be done in the areas discussed together.

* Most sessions last one hour and an mp3 recording will be sent to you. Each session is unique to your soul needs.

“When I heard from Susann where my soul was birthed, trained and given life, it felt like a homecoming. It felt as if someone deep inside me said, “Yes, it is okay to be you.” Experiencing Susann’s Soul Mastery Training workshop was one of those imbedded “now” moments that I know was part of my destiny.” – D.H
“Susann’s work has given me such incredible insight and understanding of where I truly come from and what my soul purpose is, unlike any other work I have done over the past 10 years. It is both fascinating and liberating, and cannot wait to explore more of her work. Talk about coming home!” ~ Jo Muir, Adelaide, Australia”
“I want to recommend Susann and her sessions including Akashic Record readings.Everybody who decides to take such services expects two things: accurate information and life improvement. Susann delivers both in just one session. I felt a huge improvement and a much better understanding of my own life after doing a soul clearing with her. Thank you, Susann!” ~ Mariusz Kozlowski – Poland
“Thank you for a penetrating session that has had a big impact on me. I am feeling joy and residing in innocence consistently. The shift is subtle but consistent. I’m re-learning to enjoy parts of my life I hadn’t been enjoying, and looking forward to things again. I’m noticing myself being open in ways I hadn’t, and sharing what I create that I wouldn’t have shared. And, I haven’t woken up in the morning feeling afraid. This is a whole new operating system that lives in me now. Thanks again, Susann.” ~ T.M
“Thank you for a wonderful session today Susann. I love how you were able to pinpoint the essence of my issue through this muddy situation I presented to you.” ~ Ewa, Canada
“I just wanted to share my positive experience and session with Susann. I was suffering from a variety of emotional and spiritual issues, which were very difficult. I booked my session and feel alive again! I feel hopeful, open and at peace. I know that there’s a safe place in working with Susann and my soul loved the healing. Grateful to say the least!” ~ Jessica
“I am so grateful for my session with Susann today. After YEARS of working on my issues she found the piece I needed that no one else has ever been able to get to. I am free to live my multidimensional self in my body here on earth. Feels great. Thank you Susann!” ~ Asa, Sweden
“After a short session with Susann, I felt like a new person. I was amazed at the level of understanding she had. She cleared the soul contracts that were blocking me. I am now free to be here as the Love I am. All that I desire will come from the Infinite Love I have within me. Bless you Susann!” ~ Barbara Lee, Australia
“OMG, What you do is amazing and I’m so happy to have found you! I’m finding it challenging to wrap my mind around the new knowledge/wisdom that you’ve made available to me, however my being is feeling relief to know that there’s another way. I love having you as my spiritual cheerleader! Thank you!” ~ Karina G.

* I request a 24-hour cancellation policy for our session together. If you need to cancel due to illness or unforseen circumstances that arise, I do understand. This is my way of asking for respect for my professional scheduling and opens the door for mutual respect and my respect for your needs and fulfillment.

AFTER YOU REGISTER FOR A SESSION please contact Susann to set up your session time. Please mention time frames that work for you and your time zone.


Akashic Record Soul Mastery Reading & Clearing (60-minute)
A one-hour Akashic Record Soul Mastery Reading & Clearing. Via Phone/Zoom. PLEASE NOTE: A recording of our call will be emailed to you.
Price: $275.00

Akashic Record Soul Mastery Reading & Clearing (30-minute)
A half-hour (30-minute) Akashic Record Soul Mastery Reading & Clearing. Via Phone/Zoom (your choice). PLEASE NOTE: A recording of our call will be emailed to you.
Price: $175.00

Soul Mastery Follow Up Sessions
Let's go deeper into our work together! Package of three - a $825 value for $725.00. Receive $100.00 off! Recordings of our calls will be emailed to you.
Price: $825.00
Price: $725.00

Soul Mastery Follow Up Sessions - Package 2
Let's go deeper into our work together! A package of six - a $1650.00 value for $1500.00. Receive $150.00 off! Recordings of our calls will be emailed to you.
Price: $1,650.00
Price: $1,500.00

Akashic Records Past Life Reading/Journey - 30 Minutes
A 30 Minute Past Life Reading or Journey using your unique Akashic Record. A recording of our call will be emailed to you.
Price: $175.00